Health Benefits of Grass-Fed Products
Why Grass-Fed Trumps Grain-Fed
Benefits of Pasture Fed Production
A review of fatty acid profiles and antioxidant content in grass-fed and grain-fed beef
Grass-Finishing High Value Beef: A Pilot Project in Northern United States
Farming Could Save Veterans, and Vice Versa
The Risks of Low-Fat Diets by Hara Estroff Marano
Now Alzheimer’s Disease by Petro Dobromylskyj at Hyperlipid
Memory Loss Associated with Alzheimer’s Reversed
The Clue to Why Low Fat Diet and Statins may Cause Alzheimer’s by Dr. Stephanie Seneff MIT
Parkinson’s Disease by Petro Dobromylskyj, Hyperlid
What is the Origin of Cancer? byTravis M Christofferson –one of the most fascinating articles that I have ever read
Can a High-Fat Diet Beat Cancer? Richard Friebe,Time Magazine (obviously the seed oils and soy products as mentioned in this article would not be ideal food sources from a Paleo perspective)
An excellent summary of the Seyfried book (see Books below):
Diagnosis: Diet, What Causes Cancer Part 1 by Georgia Ede MD
Diagnosis: Diet, What Causes Cancer Part 2 by Georgia Ede MD
Diagnosis: Diet, What Causes Cancer Part 3 by Georgia Ede MD
What Causes Cancer? By Ketogenic Diet Resource
The Ketogenic diet – a diet to beat cancer? Cancer Active
Cancer and Ketosis by Robb Wolf
Why We’re Losing The War On Cancer by Clifton Leaf Additional Reporting Doris Burke
Dr Kirk Parsley’s TedxReno talk on Sleep
The Connection between sleep and mental health, Russell Foster
How artificial light is wrecking your sleep, Chris Kresser
The Great British Bedtime Report
Lighting to wake you up? Interview with Russell Foster
How much do we really know about sleep?
How much can an extra hour’s sleep change you?
Insufficient sleep is a public health epidemic
Why we’re all living with permanent ‘mini jetlag’
The Chapter ‘Honoring the Sun’ in Mark Sisson’s excellent book ‘The Primal Connection’. I loved this book.
See the notes from Dr Kirk Parsley’s excellent talk on sleep at Paleo f(x) here.
Intestinal bacteria linked to rheumatoid arthritis
New Scientist: The super-abundant virus controlling your gut bacteria
How microbes could cure disease: Rob Knight at TED2014
Learning how to cope with a body in revolt
What lives inside you: A guide to your microbiome
Modern Medicine May Not Be Doing Your Microbiome Any Favours
Research Shows How Household Dogs Protect Against Asthma, Infection
Autism Study: More Evidence Linking Altered Gut Bacteria to ASD
The Human Microbiome: A True Story about You and Trillions of Your Closest (Microscopic) Friends
Our Microbiome May Be Looking Out for Itself
Richness of human gut microbiome correlates with metabolic markers, Chetelier et al
Diet rapidly and reproducibly alters the human gut microbiome, David et al