A Celebration of Genius — Tribute to Bruce Ward


Allan Savory, President, Savory Institute

Suzie Ward, Co-Founder, Holistic Results

Tony Lovell, CEO, SLM


AS: Nature works in wholes and we cannot manage parts

Think of yourself as a whole within a whole

How do you impact the outside? Look outwards!

How do you impact the inside? Look inwards!

Nature has no definition between wholes.

Bruce Ward was one of the first people to see the need to get into cties (although this still needs work).


Suzie Ward gave a very moving and funny speech about Bruce. She began by talking about how Bruce recognised the importance of language – using the right language for what needs to be communicated. She added that Bruce was able to take the ‘helicopter view’ and worked at this level. He recognised the need for a good balance of opinion and a network of supporters and friends. Please see here for more information on Bruce Ward.


TL: The purpose of SLM is to get money from the city back into the bush.

There is a problem of ageing farmers. We are buying up properties.

There is a lack of social, financial and ecological capital and we need help.

There is an opportunity with second sons who are often the land managers rather than the owners (through inheritance).

We currently have 1.2 million acres under management.


The first property was purchased in 2012 (Padua – see photo of slide). Nothing was bought in (no grain etc.).

Much of the farm was not grazed as it was so far from water.

See the grazing plan on the slide.

Cattle temperament improved.

The herding instinct needs to be re-built. It has been lost.

We also have camels and they graze at a higher level (trees etc.)

We have increased biodiversity – see photo.

We have to make money. We have to pitch this to investors.

Some cattle put on 120kg in 9 days

Remember the importance of change! See photo.

It is important when talking about this to use the term ‘properly managed livestock’ rather than ‘livestock’.

Do check out the slides for this talk!

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