Macadamia Pesto

We grow basil in the greenhouse each year and this is a great way of using it.

The macadamias have such a lovely, buttery taste and of course are excellent for you.

Like many recipes you have to constantly taste and adjust amounts to achieve the required consistency and flavour.



1/2 cup macadamias

2 garlic cloves

Around 1/4 – 1/2 cup olive oil

Large bunch of basil

Salt and pepper to taste

Macadamia Pesto 1
Macadamia Pesto 2
Macadamia Pesto 3




Whiz up the macadamias (we use the small grinder attachment on our processor) and two cloves of garlic until finely chopped. Add to the processor along with some of the olive oil.





Process until the nut, oil, and garlic mixture is smooth. Add more oil if necessary.


Macadamia Pesto 4
Macadamia Pesto 5



Add the basil and process further. Add salt and pepper to taste and more oil if necessary.




This goes well with pretty much anything but is great with spicy liver and tabbouleh (minus the bulgur!).




Macadamia Pesto 6
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